3 April 2023
Dear colleagues, partners, investigators and patients,
With this newsletter we would like to present you the second update of the NGID project.
First, we would like to thank you for your active contribution in the last couple of months. We had multiple interactions between the Supervisory team and Work Package leaders and also with all partners in the Meet & Greet sessions online, face-to-face meetings on-site across The Netherlands, as well as many discussions on the phone or during other (dermatological) occasions. We truly value your efforts and input to make this a landmark project for (Dutch) dermatology community.
In this newsletter you will read on the various aspects that had and have our focus during the current start-up phase. These are described in detail on the following pages.
Importantly, we have set the date (Friday, 7 July) and location for our kick-off celebration in Leiden. Please register via the link for participation (free registration).
Finally, we would like to draw your attention to the (potential) new name for the clinical trial (WP2.2.).
Yours, The NGID Supervisory Team
Table of Contents

Successful first on-site brainstorm day inLeiden
All work package leaders (WPLs) gathered on January 12th at CHDR in Leiden. The program consisted of a round table of the work packages, presentation of 2 example (pilot) projects and ample room for discussions. The WPLs were joined by the communication specialists from the Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen (HAN) to observe and challenge all participants. The discussions were mainly around the further definition of the work packages since these were only defined top-line in the awarded grant proposal.
Project management and strategic utilization manager positions to be filled
Two pivotal positions in the project are the project manager and the strategic utilization manager. For both positions the hiring procedure has been completed. It is the pleasure of the ST to announce that we have two excellent candidates identified who will fit perfectly into the team and the project. However, since these positions need to be formerly approved by the employing parties and the NGID management team, the final sign offs still need to take place. When completed we will announce their names in the next newsletter.
During the startup phase Robert Rissmann (r.rissmann@lacdr.leidenuniv.nl) and Noortje ten Hoeve (noortje.tenhoeve@maastrichtuniversity.nl) are the primary persons of contact.
Meet & greet the Supervisory Team
In January and February we had two online Meet and Greet’ sessions. In total 30 consortium members were able to join for a constructive interaction. The project progress was discussed and many questions were raised and answered. The role of patient-centricity and involvement was highlighted once again and valuable feedback on trial design was received. It was great to see that so many of you are committed to bring this project forward. See below the key words summarizing the main goals of NGID – as defined by all participants.

From topline description to a more detailed WP definition
Since the initial proposal was designed and written more than 1.5 years ago we are currently updating the descriptions with a more detailed plan. All WPLs are setting up up to date and detailed descriptions of the WPs, e.g. research plans, the design of the trial etc. Based on these updates also the finances are updated and finalized to come to a final budget.
Here we exemplify the updates onWP2.2. in which we are designing a basket trial for the 6 indications to be performed in 7 UMC’s (draft study design).

For this observational trial, we are seeking a more catchy and recognizable name for patients and clinicians. We
believe this will facilitate the inclusion of patients and adoption of the trials across our centres. We have drafted a long list and looking forward hearing your input on these:
Consortium agreement
During the last months we have been drafting the CA and the first review cycle has finished as planned (Feb-March). We will send out the next version of the CA in mid April (4 week review window). We anticipate to have the final sign off before July 1st as we will kick-off the project on July 7th.
University Maastricht has provided the (pre-)final budget to the Supervisory Team. We will follow up once the operational and scientific details per WP are better defined.

Kick off celebration 7 July
The official kick-off will take place on 7 July 2023 at Boerhaave Museum Leiden. This museum of “History of Science” will serve as a beautiful location for our first in-person gathering with all partners and colleagues. We very much appreciate your attendance on this special day.
Program (tentative)
9.30 Walk-in & coffee
10.30 Start symposium
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Afternoon lectures and discussions
16.00-18.00 reception
Location: Rijksmuseum Boerhaave
Lange St. Agnietenstraat 10
2312 WC Leiden
The number of attendees is limited so please indicate your attendance below.

NGID mission: “The right care for the right patient at the right time”