3 July 2023
Dear colleagues, partners, investigators and patients,
With this newsletter we present you the third update of the NGID project and the first one with our new logo and color format based on a branding project by the Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen (HAN).
The project launch at Boerhaave museum was a great success and since July 1st we officially started! In this newsletter we look back at this kick-off celebration with a concise summary and an extended photo-show.
We also look forward to the upcoming project initiation phase with many important startup activities in the next couple of months. Have a look at the timeline at page 4. Also follow and share our LinkedIn page for more news feed and updates. Let’s spread the word and vibe!
#NGID #nextgenerationimmunodermatology
Finally, we proudly present the new name for the clinical trial that is central in WP2.2. We decided on the acronym “SK!NERGY”. SK!NERGY reflects synergy, collaboration and skin profiling all in one word!
We wish you a well-deserved relaxing break and a fun summer!
The NGID Supervisory Team
Table of Contents
After more than two years of preparation getting NGID funded, we finally got the chance to celebrate our achievement and put the spotlight on important but often neglected skin diseases. The goal of the kick-off meeting was to get inspirered, motivated, connected and wondered.
Inspiration came from the interactive lectures and showcase studies, by the beautiful scenery of the Boerhaave museum, and the lively discussions during and after the presentations. Consortium leader Robert Rissmann set the stage by the quote of Yuri Gagarin. Have a look whether you can find it on the graphic cartoon!
Motivated we were already, but the panel discussion with the patient representatives even more so made everyone realize that NGID can make and must make a change. The importance of NGID is apparent from the >10 attendees from patient organizations. Three patients shared their patient journeys towards a diagnosis and the impact of the disease and treatment in their daily lives. With their help, and that of the other patient representatives, we can take the responsibility to do our utmost best and improve the care of millions of patients!
Over 80 participants made new connections and fortified established networks. Work package leaders connected with their partners with whom they will be working in the coming 6 years. There was even time to discuss the administration and finances, as they say: money makes NGID go round. Those 11.5 million euro need to be spend wisely and responsibly!
All were filled with wonder seeing the enthusiasm of the students from the HAN University who spend six months of research into the branding of NGID. They clearly explained how our core values, vision and mission are translated into the purple, magenta and turquoise colors of the NGID logo, the swirl (see footer) and catchy taglines: Pioneering ImmunoDermatology. The NGID brandbook will be come available online soon! The final amazement came from the graphic artists who managed to capture the whole day in one big cartoon-style graphic abstract. And as always: one picture says more than 1000 words!
Talking about pictures: our photographer captured the whole day and photos are available online and can be downloaded (PIN 2793). With smiling faces all throughout, it was truly a great day!


Consortium agreement
We have 2 review cycles completed and are circulating a (pre) final version for final greenlight by mid August. Thereafter we initiate the signature process. To reach the deadline, which is set at 15 September 2023, by our funder NWO we encourage all partners for swift turn-around!
Clinical trial
For this observational trial, we were seeking a more catchy and recognizable name for patients and clinicians. Thank you for your feedback and votes. We decided to use the acronym “SK!NERGY” which stands for: SKIN disease profiling by an Exploratory, pRospective, study in dermatoloGY practice. Importantly, SK!NERGY reflects synergy and collaboration within NGID.
University Maastricht has provided the final budget to the Supervisory Team and this will be approved and greenlighted by NWO in September together with the final CA. Once approved, all partners will receive the final project budget.