NGID Annual Sympoium
4 July 2024
On June 21th we celebrated the ‘first birthday’ of our NGID consortium and held our annual symposium. This year we met in Maastricht, in the beautiful Bonnefanten Museum along the Maas.
About 60 people from over 15 different institutes came together and we had plenty of lively interaction, connection, scientific discussion and meeting of ‘old friends’ and new faces; also supported by our ‘mixed-table-lunch’ that was organized. We had a fully packed program with presentations of NGID investigators, patient representatives, lectures of our partners Johnson & Johnson and Stichting Proefdiervrij and a key note lecture by Prof. Martina Marchetti-Deschmann from the Technical University of Vienna. It was an exciting mix of science, with first results from the different NGID work packages and perspective on ongoing and upcoming studies, patient perspectives, and the industrial point-of-view on biomedical research. A special reward goes to our young scientists who presented their research plans and some preliminary data . They all performed outstandingly and we are looking forward to see you all develop during the next years. You gave us a teasing glimpse on all the different types of studies, trials, data sets that will be generated and make us even more curious about what NGID will bring us and fuels the enthusiasm and team spirit. This networking event definitely once more intensified collaboration within NGID.